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Stebbins Refuge Morning Walk

Stebbins Refuge

May 1, 2024

Al & Lois Richardson

Migration continues.  There were 10 participants, and working together, we managed to hear and/or see a total of 48 species.  We walked the Bark Haul loop, and also did a detour onto the Eliot Trail.  Early on, a Virginia Rail was doing its kek, kek, kek, but stayed out of view.  Yellow-rumped Warblers seemed to be everywhere, and after careful looking and listening, we found several Northern Parulas and a few Black-throated Greens among them.  A single Black-throated Blue Warbler was spotted on the Eliot Trail by new member Allan Burrage, mixed in with Ruby-crowned Kinglets.  Yellow Warblers and Common Yellowthroat also added to the almost constant bird song.  Baltimore Orioles, Wood Thrush, and Catbirds were new from last week.