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Fort River WMA, Hadley

Fort River WMA

May 2, 2016

Tim Carter

On a cool cloudy day that threatened rain that never came, seven members were up for a walk at this new site.  The bird numbers seemed to be down a little due to the weather but we managed a few nice birds.  The first of note were some Field Sparrows that cued up and sang singing for us.  While we watched them, the male Orchard Oriole showed up and stayed at the top of a small tree long enough for everyone to get a good look at him.  This was followed pretty soon by Brown Thrashers who were very vocal on this cloudy day.  We found four of them as we made our way around the old track.  As we approached the track we heard Blue-winged Warblers singing.  It took us a little while to actually spot them, but our patience was rewarded with good looks.  These were the only warblers we came across this day, though Fort River is usually a good place to find warblers in spring.  We ended the day with a bluebird cued up on a post, making a total of 29 species for the day.  I added a group of Turkeys as I was leaving, as well as an Eastern Meadowlark sitting in a tree nearby.