Al & Lois Richardson
Bright sunshine warmed 22 birders as we gathered to start the first of the series of Wednesday morning walks. Before even leaving the parking area, the first of the new arrivals was heard and later seen - Warbling Vireo. Along Bark Haul we listened to scolding Blue-gray Gnatcatchers, and began to see the first of many Yellow-rumps. Everyone got to see Ruby-crowned Kinglets flutter about in the grapevines. We stopped for a quick "fix" of Red-headed Woodpeckers and then continued on the Natti Trail for Blue-headed Vireos, Eastern Towhees, Hermit Thrushes, a Black-and-white Warbler, a pair of Ravens and the flash of a Great Horned Owl. It seemed as though every thicket held a singing Yellow Warbler. Just before emerging onto Tina Lane, we stopped to admire a flock of Cedar Waxwings that perched before us at eye level - always so elegant. Before crossing the railroad tracks, we stopped for Hairy and Downy Woodpeckers and then looked up to see an Osprey fly overhead carrying a fish in his talons. Flying in the opposite direction was an immature Bald Eagle. Pondside Road yielded a newly arrived Eastern Kingbird as well as a small group of Chimney Swifts that circling above our heads. The walk totaled 50 species and the opportunity to connect with many fellow birders.